The English Department invites ENG 110/112 students to submit proposals for undergraduate writing projects that showcase their ability to engage in thoughtful, critical, and innovative work.
We are particularly interested in projects by students who are learning
● how to find, evaluate, analyze, and synthesize a variety of texts.
● how to integrate the ideas of others with their own.
We have designed an open call for proposals to encourage as many students as possible to participate in this year’s symposium--proposals on any topic and in any genre will be accepted.
Submission Guidelines:
Students should submit a title and a brief proposal of 100 words or fewer by Friday, November 11th. The format of the symposium will be one-hour concurrent sessions.
Students should budget presentations for approximately 10-15 minutes per presenter.
The Writing Center and the Public Speaking Center will run workshops in early November for students who would like additional help in preparing for the symposium.
Symposium Date: Monday, November 21st
To submit a proposal for this year’s symposium, please use the Qualtrics link below:
If you have additional questions, please contact Dr. Darci Thoune, First-Year Writing Program Coordinator ([email protected] ).